Special Metals offers the largest range of nickel alloys, product forms, and cobalt alloys, to more than ten worldwide markets. We produce nickel alloys in all standard mill forms, from large ingots and billets, to plate, sheet, strip, tubing, bar, and wire, the latter of which includes core and filler wires for welding products.

The company has manufacturing and research facilities in the USA and Europe including sales offices in North America, Europe, and Asia, and a distribution network which includes most of the industrialized countries of the world.

Special Metals alloys are used in a wide range of industries and applications around the world, including:

  • Aerospace Engineering
  • Electrical Resistance Heating
  • Oil and Gas Extraction
  • Power Generation
  • Automotive Engineering
  • Electronics and Telecommunications
  • Petrochemical Processing
  • Thermal Processing
  • Heat Treatment
  • Chemical Processing
  • Marine Engineering
  • Pollution Control
  • Waste Processing
  • Welding

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